Whether you are a seasoned gambler or a newcomer to the world of casino gaming, developing a sense of proper gaming etiquette is a prerequisite for having a successful gambling experience on any casino floor – whether it be the craps table or the slot machine. For any kind of gambling to be an enjoyable experience, etiquette is essential!

Always show respect to players’ private spaces, and handle chips and cards with care. Tip your dealer and other staff generously; especially if you win big!

Table games

If you go into any casino, your first objective should be to make memories. It is essential that you enjoy yourself. Don’t do anything to alter the mood of the game or distract players, regardless of what is occurring at the table; after all, you’re there to make memories. Before you venture into a live table at a casino, keep these simple and long-established etiquette rules in mind so you too can have an enjoyable and pleasant experience for you and for others.

Advice must be explicitly requested, otherwise the player may feel patronised and become argumentative. Do not touch another player’s chips unless she asks you to, and under no circumstances should you criticise another player in the presence of the table. Talking about cards, past hands and bad beats is simply not done. If you wish to discuss these topics, retire to the ladies room or bar. Finally, note any minimum and/or maximum bets that apply to each table.

Slot machines

Accepting that good manners contribute to the enjoyment of playing casino games, and can improve them, why and how? Bad behaviour – even bad luck – creates an intimidating and unpleasant environment for everyone else, including dealers and other players. Moreover, if smoking is permitted at a table or a slot machine, to do so is considered poor form.

When gambling in a casino, wallets, bags and drinks must not be kept on the table as they obstruct the view of the game and other players. Furthermore, if left in close proximity, the drinks could spill and ruin everything for everyone.

Card games

At the card table, perhaps the most fundamental rule is, ‘Do not touch anyone else’s chips.’ This acknowledges the right of others participating at the game to your respect, just as you wish to be respected yourself, and also avoids allowing you to touch someone else’s cards to improve your hand.

Players ought to be considerate to other players and dealers alike, not calling out bad beats or complaining to dealers about the bad beats, which is counterproductive as it ruins relationships and destroys the gaming experience for everyone. If you want to play in a good casino, having good casino etiquette will help anyone who wishes to have a good gaming trip maximise his or her time at the tables while adding a level of social value.


Alcohol can be an important part of the casino experience because it relaxes people and helps them to forget their everyday worries. However, it can become addictive and some people easily turn it into a drug which destroys their minds and bodies. As a result, excessive drinking can cause accidents and other dangers.
For example:
Sometimes gamblers buy a bottle of expensive whisky together and start drinking it as they play. The casino atmosphere relaxes their minds and unleashes their hidden fantasies. This can be dangerous because there are some gamblers who play recklessly when they are drunk. This ultimately costs money and creates a bad reputation since casino staff and players consider it inappropriate.

Nothing is more certain to spoil a fun round of gambling than a spat around the table. But the truth is, you can’t guarantee you’ll never run into trouble while you’re gambling. You can, however, help yourself and your fellow players or dealers avoid problems – and appear knowledgeable and professional by following some basic rules of casino etiquette. You might be new to the game but, armed with this basic guidance, you can save yourself a lot of money – and a few nerves – and make a good impression on the staff and your fellow players.

Dress code

Casino dress codes are designed to fit their image and make the visitors feel comfortable. They should be an integral part of poker space and, if not followed, the atmosphere becomes unpleasant – and people won’t come back. It is even possible that violating the dress code gets visitors forbidden from playing. This would turn a nice poker visit into a displeasurable one.

To dress like crap at a casino will mean certain failure at the tables Smart casual is what gaming tables expect. Chinos, tailored pants and stylish sneakers or casual shoes. Running shoes, flip-flops and torn or dirty clothing shouldn’t be worn in a casino, nor hats, as that might also obstruct dealer’s vision. Unless charged for, nobody should place a wallet, bag or documents on the table in front of them. It’s uncomfortable for the dealer and creates needless distraction. Drinks are to be stored away on a ledge, not hanged over it.


Interactions between players and dealers also help to shape the ideal casino ambience for all guests involved. We will remain respectful and friendly at all times so that their game becomes even more fun for all of us!

Pictures on the casino floor are generally frowned upon, for the obvious reason that casinos want people to come in and see, but don’t want people coming in and taking pictures. And, of course, it’s a good way to steal information.

Players asking the dealer’s advice is a sign of impolite or disrespectful behaviour that can lead to other gamers rebuffing the player – or, worse, to the player being excluded from or expelled from the gaming table, which changes the whole casino ambience.

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